What better that to look relax and with a face on an agel? Well, I personally find that feeling after each therapeutic massage I receive. Discompresing my body and mind from all the things that are going on in the actual world, helps me concentrate much more in my person and my wellbeing. I have to say that after implementing this discipline, Yes! I have to call it discipline, it has become a most in my weekly agenda. It's one of my ways to leave behind any physical and emotional disconfort that builts up throughout the week. Once the massage is over, I whish I had another hour to go! It's just so amazing that times goes to quickly. Why....? Well, let's go back to reality I say, but my reality is great. I run a business that allows me to benefit from everything I offer. Yoga, pilates, Massages and facials...What else can I ask for? Looking young and feeling young, that what's this all about! I am a Queen!! hehehe!!
The power of Therapeutic Massage!
Updated: Apr 13, 2021
He recibido varios masajes y me han encantado. Son relajantes al máximo. Me encantan.